How Do Bakers Make Money On Instagram

Bakers make the majority of their money by selling baked goods in physical stores. However, selling delectable baked products in person can be tedious and cannot guarantee consistent high sales. Selling on Instagram is another way bakers can supplement their income. Yes, that means more effort, but as the saying goes, no pain, no GRAIN.

To start making money on Instagram, bakers need first to set up an Instagram shop. Bakers can then start earning money by promoting special offers, teaming up with Instagram creators or influencers, partnering with other businesses, and selling badges during Instagram live.

A personal Instagram account has to eventually be turned into a business or professional one to start earning money on IG. Following that, there are further procedures to take in order to increase baked food sales on Instagram, which are diligently discussed in this article.

Setting Up an Instagram Shop 

How Do Bakers Make Money On Instagram

After you’ve converted your personal account to a business account, the next task is to set up your Instagram shop. You may accomplish this by first Setting up your shop using Commerce Manager or any other compatible platform followed by these steps:

  1. Select a payment method.
  2. Sync your Instagram store with your Facebook profile.
  3. Upload your whole menu of baked items.
  4. Submit your account for evaluation.
  5. Once your account has been verified, enable Instagram Shopping.

Setting up an Instagram profile is essential for bakers to start making money on Instagram shops effectively appeal to buyers, especially impulse shoppers. Aside from that, having an Instagram shop makes it easier for you to sell your baked goods, and provide quick, satisfactory customer service. 

Here’s a quick tip: If you cannot commit to replying to many direct messages, you can use a chatbot to make things easier for you. 

How To Best Store Vegan Baked Goods

Promoting Special Offers

Launching special deals on Instagram works similarly to selling baked goods in physical stores. I mean, don’t baked goods taste better when they’re free or less expensive plus everyone loves a good bargain, right? You can run a buy-one-get-one-free promotion or provide free delivery, or any special offer would suffice as long as it can ensure increased sales.

This is also a pretty great approach to increasing the number of followers on your Instagram shop. For instance, you can make your special promo only available to customers who follow your account and tag or refer friends to your post.

Nine Items A Commercial Bakery Needs

Teaming Up With Creators

How Do Bakers Make Money On Instagram

By collaborating with creators or influencers, bakers may also generate more money on Instagram. This is really beneficial, particularly in terms of reaching a larger audience, because you are advertising your baking business with the backing of a creator or influencer who already has a sizable social following.

Keep in mind, however, that you cannot just collaborate with any creative or influencer. You must choose the appropriate creator with whom to collaborate. Look for authenticity, relation to your business, and, of course, consistent engagement and plenty of social following. For example, if you sell vegan baked goods, it’s only natural to collaborate with a vegan influencer.

Partnering With Other Businesses 

Aside from collaborating with influencers, you can also collaborate with other companies to increase your earnings on Instagram. You either get paid to promote a brand as a baker, or you earn more money by being promoted by other businesses.

Just as you must be selective about the creator with whom you will collaborate, you must equally be selective about the brand or business you will tie up with. Aside from a large social following,  trustworthiness, and positive and consistent engagement, you should also seek a company that shares your values. A great example of a business that a baker can partner with on Instagram is a restaurant. 

Main Target Market For a Bakery

Selling Live Badges 

Last but not the YEAST, bakers can make money on Instagram by enabling Live Badges.  These are usually priced between $0.99 and $4.99 and are badges that your IG followers may purchase to express their support during your Instagram live stream. 

Simply follow these steps to enable your Live Badges:

  1. Navigate to your Profile and select Professional Dashboard.
  2. Enable Instagram monetization.
  3. Wait for the approval.
  4. Once you’ve been accepted, click the Set Up Badges button.
How To Promote Your Bakery On Instagram

All in all, the ways bakers generate money on Instagram are as follows: 1) Setting up an Instagram shop, which will make selling baked goods a lot easier, 2) Launching special promos such as buy-one-get-one and free shipping, 3) Partnering with creators to reach more audiences, 4) Teaming up with other businesses, and 5) Turning on Live Badges, which your customers and your supporters may buy to show support for your business.

Online Vegan Bakery Ideas

Frequently Asked Questions

How many followers do you need for IG to be financially beneficial?

Live badges, Instagram’s tipping option for IG Live, need a minimum of 10,000 followers. Many monetization services are also restricted to specific regions, with 18yo age requirement, and need accounts to be registered as professional or creator profiles.

What does Instagram pay for accounts with 1 million followers?

Usually, an Instagram account with 1 million followers may earn $10,000 for every post. Furthermore, if you have more than one million followers, you may charge anywhere between $10,000 to $100,000 for every post or campaign.

To learn more on how to start your own bakery business check out my startup documents here

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